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LED light bulb advantages
Release date:2014/9/23

LED light bulbs are considered the next generation lighting solutions as they provide environment-friendly illuminations and economical retrofitting solutions for existing buildings. In addition to providing long-term savings in energy bills, they provide better visibility and reduce maintenance needs.

It is a natural trend to witness advancement and innovations in Science and Technology such that new inventions replace the status quo. In the light of this fact, the aspect of lighting system started with oil lamps, and gradually it turned into the era of candles, incandescent bulbs and LED bulbs.

There are certain reasons for this technological metamorphosis, and these have to do with their limitations. Oil lamps and candles produce soot, and there is also emission of carbon dioxide with a trace amount of carbon monoxide (a toxic substance). Incandescent bulbs consume excessive energy. Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) consume low energy, but it is not really an eco-friendly option as it may seem to be. CFL bulbs contain a small trace of mercury which is quite toxic to human life. If the bulb breaks, and any person comes in contact with the toxic substance, it will cause mercury poisoning.

Today, a better option for lighting which most people now opt for is the use of LED light bulbs (light emitting diodes bulbs). They are safe and friendly to the human environment. A LED bulb has a number of advantages over other forms of lighting that could be used in a home or an office. Here are some of the advantages:

1. Energy saving: The use of LED-powered bulbs is highly economical compared to other sources of lighting. The amount of energy required to power a LED lamp for a specific measure of luminosity (the brightness of light) is far below what is required in incandescent bulbs and in CFLs. LEDs save a great deal of energy. In fact, they are the best energy-saving bulbs. Using them in a home or in a working environment will drastically reduce the monthly energy bill.

2. Long lifespan: LED lights generally have a lifespan of 10 years or more. By the time you might have used 10s of incandescent bulbs within the space of ten years, a user of a LED bulb may have to change it about 10 years later. It shows that a very little amount of money will be spent on the purchase of this lighting system.

3. No lead and mercury: The absence of toxic substances such as mercury (which is found in CFL) makes LED lamps very safe to use anywhere. Once they get damaged, they can be disposed of with no need for extra scare, unlike CFL bulbs.

4. Light emitting diodes with solid state technology: As a result, the bulb can safely undergo an alternate on-and-off switching in millions of time without getting burnt. In fact, there is no filament that can burn, as it is in an incandescent bulb. It does not need to warm up before it lights up, as it is in the case of a compact fluorescent light bulb. So, switching on or switching off LED-powered bulbs is instant in effect.

Moreover, LED lighting comes in various colors and they are gradually taking the place of CFLs. Their decreasing prices now encourage their use. There are big companies that are already using them as a way to cut down expenses on energy bill. All these things are indications that the usage of a LED light bulb is taking over as our best lighting system.

LED light bulb
